Summer Vacation – gotta love it! Let’s have a party to celebrate school being out, sleeping in and SUN! Summer parties mean grilled hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, smore’s and a fire, of course.
Our fire pit in Nebraska was Awesome! We replaced our patio with giant flagstone and used the extra pieces to build this masterpiece! I loved how it turned out (not the greatest picture, but you get the idea). Lots of great memories!
We still have plenty of projects to do for the house and the patio is one of them. With no time to throw together a patio redesign, I reluctantly set out to find a fire pit “that would do” for now. At this point my only options are to find one locally or online that offers two day shipping. Limited, but not impossible!
After combing websites and comparing prices, I finally found one that would work and be here in time. Whew! It would arrive the day of the party – no pressure!
Dodged a bullet – it showed up within a few hours of the party.
Looks fairly simple to assemble, so here we go!
Time to spare!
Stayed together, even with a fire……sigh!
I love Summer! Check this amazing sign the kids had for everyone to autograph.
Bring on the ice cream, popsicles and lemonade stands!
What are your summer plans? Tell us what you are up to or a share one of your favorite summer memories.
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